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THE Salon Experienece

We all offer haircuts, right? How can salons charge $350 while others struggle to earn $25 for the same haircut? While location and expertise play a role, the actual value is in your salon’s experience and how customers view your brand.

Let’s take washing your customers’ hair as an example. Does your salon offer a “back bar experience”? Are there hot towels and scalp massages involved? At my salon, we provide FREE HAIR WASHES with haircuts and blowdries, but our least expensive haircut is $85, and a blow-dry will run you $50+.

Your marketing needs to highlight the experience! Your brand will become known as a quality salon if you consistently offer fantastic service. While customers understand my pricing after their first experience, new guests tend to be hesitant over the phone. “Why is your spa pedicure $85?” I explain that we have a classic pedicure for $45, but our spa pedicure is for those wanting to reach a new level of relaxation.

Our spa pedicure is not about the actual pedicure; guests book the experience. We have guests who maintain their feet at “the cheap place” but join us when they want a treat. My marketing program offers a three-tier service menu, allowing guests to choose their level of pampering.

When we develop our marketing programs, we should focus on selling the experience and what our target market needs. I take for granted that the public knows what we do. A recent keyword search reminded me of my responsibilities as a marketer.

The top questions about skincare pertained to what to do to prepare for a facial, what happens during a facial, and what to do after a facial. I need to create educational content to bring new customers in. My luxurious facials are overwhelming to these newbies, as they want to know why they need a facial and what my basic facial entails.

Back to your salon! Are you providing the public with marketing that teaches them who you are? Is your salon living up to the promises your marketing offers? Comb through your customers’ experience, refine details, and then market away.
